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Ornithology Information

Robin: Erithacus rubecula

The robin is one of our most popular native birds and a Christmas favourite. Males and females look identical with their bright red breast and large, dark eyes. Young birds, however, are brown all over with mottled, golden flecks.

Blue tit: Cyanistes caeruleus

Blue tits are cheerful visitors to our gardens. With their bright blue, yellow, white and green feathers, they are attractive little birds that feed on insects, caterpillars, seeds and nuts. They measure around 12cm and are half the size of a robin. They can be found in woodland, farmland, urban and suburban areas, and in winter family flocks join together in their quest to find food.

Long-tailed tit: Aegithalos caudatus

This pretty, colourful bird can easily be recognised by its distinctive long tail and its undulating flight pattern. Sociable and extremely vocal, long-tailed tits gather in flocks of around 20 birds during the winter, bobbing in and out of the hedgerow and woods. At night, they cluster together to keep warm.

Blackbird: Turdus merula

The blackbird is one of our most common birds and can be found in many gardens, parks and woodland across the county. Striking and melodious, the male has a black body with a vibrant orange/yellow beak and eye ring. Females, on the other hand, have a brown beak and are dark brown with streaks to the chest and throat.

Chaffinch: Fringilla coelebs

A widespread bird, the chaffinch is pretty and sparrow-size. It can be found in gardens, parks, woodland and farmland across Britain and Ireland. The male chaffinch is one of the most colourful birds in the garden, with a blue/grey crown, brown back and a beautiful pink breast. Females are brown with white shoulder patches and wingbars. 

Coal tit: Periparus ater

The coal tit is a small grey bird with buff underparts, white cheeks, a black cap and white patch to the back of the head. Measuring around 12cm, they are a little smaller than a blue tit, with a slimmer bill that is perfectly suited to feeding in conifer trees. 

Dunnock: Prunella accentors

This small, shy, brown and grey bird – the size of a robin – can often be spotted creeping along the ground near flower beds and bushes, flicking its wings as it shuffles along. 

Goldfinch: Carduelis carduelis

An extremely colourful finch with a distinctive red face, black cap and black around its eyes. Its wings are dark with a striking yellow patch, while the breast is a muted grey/brown.

Great tit: Parus major

The great tit is the UK’s largest tit and it can often be spotted in woodland, parks and gardens. Nesting can take place in holes in trees, but the great tit is equally at home in a nest box. An extremely striking bird, it has a green and yellow body, glossy black head and white cheeks. It is around the same size as a robin.

House sparrow: Passer domesticus

Noisy and incredibly sociable, the house sparrow can be found around the world, feeding on seeds and scraps across farmland and in urban and suburban areas. An opportunistic bird, it will be seen by most of us in our gardens, where it visits bird tables and feeders. 

Siskin: Carduelis spinus

A lively finch with a distinctive forked tail and narrow bill, the male siskin is a striking sight with its black crown and bib, and bright-yellow breast and cheeks. Females are mainly pale with dark streaks and flashes of dull yellow. Both male and female have yellow and black-striped wings.

Starling: Sturnus vulgaris

One of our most common garden birds, the starling is smaller than the blackbird and a similar size to a thrush. It measures 21cm and has a short tail and triangular wings. Starlings have glossy feathers with a beautiful iridescent sheen of purple and green. In winter, flecks of white can be seen on their plumage. 

Wren: Troglodytes troglodytes

The wren is a tiny chestnut-brown bird – measuring 9-10cm long – with a short cocked tail, almost spherical shape and a distinct “tik-tik-tik” alarm call. It is one of our most widespread birds and can be found across Britain and Ireland in a range of habitats, including farmland, woodland, cities, town and gardens.